Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Unclog a Drain

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If you've noticed standing h2o in your tub or your kitchen sink draining slowly, you probably have a clogged drain. Fortunately, if caught early on you can clear a chock-full drain using common household items. Vinegar, baking soda, borax, and lots of hot water are simple, yet effective tools in clearing slow-draining sinks.

  1. ane

    Drain any water from the sink or tub. If it'southward really wearisome-draining, this may take a while, but if you remove the water, your drain-clearing mixture volition exist able to unclog faster.

  2. two

    Gather household cleaning/kitchen items. Yous have several options for creating a non-commercial drain opener. Most involve vinegar and another substance that create a chemical reaction when combined. See if y'all have any of these drain-opening agents on hand:

    • Vinegar (white or apple cider vinegar work) is the acidic base for creating the foaming reaction.
    • Lemon juice is acidic similar vinegar, merely smells refreshing. This makes lemon juice a good choice for immigration out clogged kitchen sinks.
    • Baking soda is frequently used equally a multipurpose cleanser.
    • Table salt volition help eat away at the clog.
    • Borax is frequently used as a multipurpose cleanser.


  3. three

    Pour vinegar and another drain-opening agent downwardly the bleed. No mixing is needed before pouring downwardly the drain. The mixture will cream upward on its own as the chemic reaction occurs.[1]

    • For a vinegar and baking soda combination: use i/two loving cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup of white vinegar.
    • For a lemon juice and baking soda combination: use 1 loving cup of baking soda and 1 cup of lemon juice.
    • For a table salt, borax, and vinegar combination: use i/4 cup of borax, 1/4 cup of salt, and one/2 cup of vinegar.


    Susan Stocker runs and owns Susan's Green Cleaning, the #1 Green Cleaning Company in Seattle. She is well known in the region for outstanding client service protocols — winning the 2022 Amend Business Torch Award for Ethics & Integrity —and her energetic support of dark-green cleaning practices.

    Susan Stocker

    Susan Stocker
    Green Cleaning Expert

    Yous can as well pour vinegar down the drain on its own. Pour about ane cup of vinegar downwardly your bleed and permit information technology sit for 30-40 minutes. Vinegar has a very loftier acrid content (which is why it'southward great on soap scum) and it volition break down a good flake of the organic content that is stuck.


  1. 1

    Cover and let the mixture sit. Either use the tub stopper to shut the drain or cover it with a steaming hot cloth. Keep the bleed airtight for 30 minutes. During this time, the foam will be working on wearing downwardly the clog.[2]

  2. 2

    Plunge the drain. Use a small, sink size plunger to agitate the clogged-up material. Create a seal and push up and down on the rubber base of the plunger.

    • Plunging works best if you fill the tub or sink with water. The added force per unit area from the water will help force open the clog.
  3. 3

    Use a hanger to pull out the clog. If the drain is clogged with hair, take a metal hanger and twist information technology till you have a long piece of metallic with a small hook at one end. Advisedly feed the hook cease of the wire downward the drain. Twist the wire around and attempt to snag the clog. Gently pull the wire back out once you've caught the clog.

    • Take care not to scratch your sink or tub with the exposed metal. Also, employ caution when untwisting the hanger. The metal may be sharp.
  4. 4

    Use a drain snake. A bleed snake looks like a long metal rope. Yous'll demand to carefully feed the snake into the drain. When the serpent gets stuck, you'll want to plow the cable. This will make it take hold of onto the clog. When y'all slowly pull the serpent back out, the clog should clear. Flush with water and repeat.[three]

    • Article of clothing work gloves since the metallic serpent can exist sharp. You should also accept an old towel and bucket handy to set the clogged fabric.


  1. ane

    Affluent the drain with hot water. Boil at least vi cups of hot water or several kettles total of water. Uncover the drain and slowly pour the hot water down.

    • If you have plastic piping, but use very hot water. Avoid pouring humid water in the drain.[4]
  2. 2

    Repeat. If the water is even so draining slowly, repeat the process again until the drain becomes articulate.

    • If the clog still stubbornly resists draining, yous may have a hairball stuck. This may require manually removing the clog. Consider calling a plumber, specially if the drain completely stops up.
  3. 3

    Utilize gravity and pressure level to affluent the drain. This works best on a clogged tub, since you can fill the tub with gallons of h2o. Fill the tub with hot h2o. And then, open the drain and allow the pressure of all that water aid suspension up the clog.[5]


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  • Question

    What should I do if the clog is longer than the size of the hanger I am using?

    Community Answer

    You might need to get a nix-type clog remover, sometimes chosen a bleed ophidian. The zip-type snake can be just a few dollars from your local hardware store. The metallic ones up to nigh 25 feet can range from $10 to $30 USD or then. If a 25-foot snake won't reach the clog, then you probably need to hire a professional.

  • Question

    Can I utilise hot vinegar if I used a commercial drain cleaner several days prior?

    Community Answer

    Yes, yous tin, only the vinegar demand non be to hot. Employ it with baking soda for the best results.

  • Question

    Do I mix the baking soda and vinegar in a cup before pouring it into the sink?

    Community Answer

    No. Pour soda downwards the drain, then follow with the vinegar. Flush the mixture downwards the drain with hot water. If you mix the basics together in a cup, it volition starting time to foam and lose its effectiveness.

  • Question

    Tin can I use vinegar by itself? If so, how much should I employ and how long should I look until I affluent with hot water?

    Community Answer

    While you could utilise simply vinegar, it's non likely to be anywhere near as effective. It is amend to apply baking soda with the vinegar. It is the chemical reaction between the two that helps clear the gunk that is blocking the pipe.

  • Question

    How do I gear up a chock-full toilet?

    Community Answer

    Outset, brand sure that the toilet has very piffling water in it. In other words, if the toilet is completely chock-full, so manually take every bit much water from the toilet as possible. Put about 4-5 squirts (nigh i inch) of Dawn or similar detergent into the toilet. Have a bucket of hot h2o and pour information technology apace into the toilet. This method works 95% of the time. In rare cases, you may need to repeat the process. In that instance, increase the corporeality of detergent.

  • Question

    Is this safety if yous have a septic system?

    Community Answer


  • Question

    How do I become rid of bleed flies?

    Community Answer

    Pour bleach downwardly your bleed and affluent it out with hot water. Practise this several times and in all drains if needed.

  • Question

    How exercise I clear my laundry drain if information technology's clogged?

    Community Answer

    If you tin get on the roof safely with a garden hose, and you understand where the main plumbing vent pipe is (over the bathroom commode drain), yous tin run a hose piping downwardly that vent stack pipe and turn information technology on full blast to blow clogs through the main drainage pipe. Have a person inside picket the sinks and commodes for overflow.

  • Question

    Practise I demand to remove the kitchen sink garbage disposal in club to use a snake?

    Community Answer

    Yous cannot run a serpent through the disposal; simply rather than remove it the improve solution would be to remove the p-trap to snake downstream through the opening thus provided. In this instance with the p-trap removed you will exist able to view direct and find that it is gummed and clogged. If it is you may discover that snaking further is not necessary. Clean it and reinstall to make up one's mind if normal catamenia is restored.

  • Question

    Can this exist done after I've tried commercial products like lye?

    Community Answer

    Yes of grade, just exist safety and make certain the room is well-ventilated.

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  • Check to make certain you practise not take corroded pipes.

  • These methods work best if you catch the trouble before the drain is completely clogged.

  • Y'all should see an improvement afterward 2 or iii tries. If the drain is clogged with a hairball, yous'll need to actually remove the material blocking the bleed.


  • Avert using these methods if yous've already poured commercial drain cleaning downwards the drain. The vinegar and chemicals in the commercial cleaner can create dangerous fumes.

  • Full-bodied vinegar (acetic acrid) and caustic soda are sometimes used for clearing drains, simply both are irritants.They can cause irritation to skin, eyes, nose and throat. Avert direct contact with skin, eyes and habiliment.


Nearly This Commodity

Article Summary X

To articulate a chock-full drain with vinegar, permit all of the water to drain from the sink, then cascade vinegar and baking soda, lemon juice, borax, or salt downwards the bleed. This will create a foaming chemical reaction in your pipes that can help interruption up the clog. Use the tub stopper or a steaming hot cloth to cover the drain for about 30 minutes, then plunge the sink until the clog is removed. Flush the sink with hot water and repeat if necessary. For tips on creating the perfect vinegar mixture, keep reading!

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